
The Invisible Hand That Lifts Learners: How Academic Press and Collective Teacher Efficacy Shape Success

Imagine walking into a gym for the first time, determined to get stronger. If the space is empty, the machines are dusty, and no one is pushing you, chances are, you’ll stay in your comfort zone. Maybe you’ll do a few easy reps, check your phone, and call it a day. But what if, instead, […]

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Leading, Not Drifting: The Essential Role of Learning in Leadership

Imagine a captain steering a ship without understanding the wind, tides, or the stars to guide them. They might keep the ship afloat and the crew busy, but they wouldn’t navigate it to the desired destination. The ship is simply drifting in whatever currents it wanders into. Without a solid understanding of what learning is

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Rigor Because of Relationships: Redefining the Classroom Mantra

Picture this: A classroom where learners know their teacher not only cares about them but expects great things from them. It’s a space where trust fuels risk-taking, where mistakes are part of the process, and where learners push themselves further than they thought possible. Too often, we hear the mantra “relationships before rigor,” as if

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Scaffolding Learning: The Construction Blueprint for Classrooms

Imagine walking past a construction site and seeing scaffolding towering alongside a building. What strikes you first? It’s not permanent, yet it’s essential. Without it, progress would grind to a halt. Scaffolding provides access to the unreachable, safety in precarious situations, and flexibility to change as the project grows. This image mirrors what effective classroom

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From TV Dinners to Culinary Exploration: Rethinking Teaching and Learning

In education, teaching and learning are often used interchangeably, but they are fundamentally different. Imagine a classroom where the teacher hands out prepackaged TV dinners—complete, preplanned, and ready to consume. The students, functioning as mere cooks, only heat and eat what’s been prepared for them. Now, contrast that with a classroom where the teacher and

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Assessment: Not the Assigning of a Test, But the Art of Sitting Beside

When we hear “assessment,” many of us instantly think of standardized tests, scantron sheets or Google Forms, and the collective groans of learners (and teachers). But assessment isn’t meant to be synonymous with “test.” It originates from the Latin word assidere, meaning “to sit beside.” Imagine that—a teacher sitting beside a learner, guiding them, offering

Assessment: Not the Assigning of a Test, But the Art of Sitting Beside Read More »

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